There, I´m Jennylee Machado and here you can see little about my history...
A creative woman is born, full of life and with intensity in her last name. Courageous, fearless and very curious to learn a little bit of everything.
She was a very creative child and was involved in many creations, spending the day with crafts.
She was a very shy and insecure teenager, who sought in writing a way to (try to) understand the world and herself.
She suffered a lot from uncertainty and had depression that made her want to give up on life, moments of anxiety took away her peace. And during that time, she was unable to write anymore.
She decided to go back to studying, she started with finances (what she had available) was not her strong point. She thought she could no longer express herself through writing, she couldn't pass the course.
She signed up and joined a course to enter the university in her city's capital, she was still depressed and didn't make the most of it at that moment. She didn't even know what course she would take, but she was studying.
She then tried Creative Graphic Design, something closer to her interest, but it hadn't won her heart, but she finished with good grades.
Some time later, someone proposed to be her godmother and pay for college, although she resisted, she accepted and decided on Digital Marketing (technological college). The beginning was exciting, but soon the interest faded.
She is on a journey that she should have started much earlier, writing her first book...
We've got a long journey ahead...